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PriceBeam Webinar

The Art and Science of Assortment Pricing: Optimizing Your Product Mix

(LP) 20_2_25 The Art and Science of Assortment Pricing

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Effective assortment pricing is a multifaceted approach that requires a deep understanding of various critical elements. It involves comprehensively analyzing consumer demand to identify what products are most desired by different segments of the market.

Additionally, it requires a keen insight into assortment interactions, which means understanding how different products within a range complement or compete with each other, and how these dynamics can influence purchasing decisions.

Explore the art and science of Assortment Pricing, in our comprehensive webinar where we will discuss these concepts in detail and provide actionable insights.

  • Learn how to analyze consumer demand for not only single products but the dynamics of a range of products, in order to optimize your assortment pricing.
  • Gain insights into adjusting your pricing based on seasonality, market shifts, and consumer preferences.
  • Grasp the importance of data and analytics in comprehending range interactions, which results in developing a competitively priced assortment strategy.

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