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Webinar: Using Willingness-to-Pay Research to Capture more Value in Bundled Services

WtP research and support services

This PriceBeam Webinar will cover how willingness to pay research can be used to in optimizing prices for bundled support services.

In many B2B industries the customers buy both a main product and a set of additional support services. It can be to be able to get technical help, solve issues, install or implement the main product, or making sure the main product runs smoothly.

In this webinar we are going to look at how to optimize prices for such ancillary services, that more often than not are bundled with the main product. Webinar participants will learn how to identify value drivers and customers’ willingness-to-pay, and use this in setting prices, both for the individual services and the total bundle.


When to clear your schedule
9 November, 2017

09h00 BST
10h00 CET
13h30 IST
15h00 ICT
16h00 SGT
18h00 AEST

The webinar will be 45 minutes including Q&A. Register for free by filling out the form on the right.

Register for the free webinar here: